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100+ Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure dan Jawabannya

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100+ Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure dan Jawabannya TOEFL Structure merupakan salah satu bagian dari tes TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam memahami struktur bahasa Inggris yang meliputi tata bahasa, sintaksis, dan elemen-elemen struktural lainnya. 

Pada bagian ini, peserta diuji dalam kemampuan mengenali dan memahami struktur kalimat dan paragraph dalam bahasa Inggris, termasuk penggunaan kata, frasa, dan klausa. TOEFL Structure terdiri dari beberapa jenis soal seperti completion, error recognition, dan transformation. Completion berisi kalimat yang tidak lengkap dan peserta diminta untuk melengkapinya dengan kata atau frasa yang tepat. 

Error recognition berisi kalimat yang salah atau tidak lengkap, dan peserta diminta untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan atau bagian yang tidak lengkap. Sedangkan, pada soal transformation, peserta diminta untuk mengubah bentuk kalimat dari aktif menjadi pasif, atau sebaliknya, atau mengubah kalimat menjadi bentuk yang lain.

TOEFL Structure memiliki bobot yang cukup signifikan dalam penilaian keseluruhan TOEFL. Kemampuan dalam memahami struktur bahasa Inggris sangat penting dalam memahami konten tes TOEFL secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya peserta mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dalam menghadapi bagian ini dengan memahami konsep dasar tata bahasa dan struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, serta banyak berlatih dengan soal-soal TOEFL Structure.

100+ Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 100 contoh soal TOEFL structure beserta jawabannya:

1. The student, __________, received the highest grade on the exam.

a. who studied hard

b. studied hard

c. whom studied hard

d. which studied hard

Jawaban: a. who studied hard

2. The painting, __________, was sold for a million dollars at the auction.

a. that was painted by Van Gogh

b. was painted by Van Gogh

c. where painted by Van Gogh

d. which painted by Van Gogh

Jawaban: a. that was painted by Van Gogh

Baca Juga :

3. The scientist, __________, was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research on cancer.

a.who devoted his life to the study of cancer

b.devoted his life to the study of cancer

c.whose life was devoted to the study of cancer

d.that devoted his life to the study of cancer

Jawaban: c. whose life was devoted to the study of cancer

4. The concert, __________, was canceled due to bad weather.

a. where scheduled for tonight

b. which was scheduled for tonight

c. that scheduled for tonight

d. scheduled for tonight

Jawaban: b. which was scheduled for tonight

5. The movie, __________, was directed by a famous Hollywood director.

a. who won many awards

b. won many awards

c. whom won many awards

d. which won many awards

Jawaban: d. which won many awards

6. The book, __________, was recommended by the professor.

a. that we read last semester

b. we read last semester

c. where we read last semester

d. which we read last semester

Jawaban: d. which we read last semester

7. The company, __________, announced its plans to expand its business overseas.

a. whose profits have increased significantly

b. profits have increased significantly

c. which profits have increased significantly

d. that profits have increased significantly

Jawaban: a. whose profits have increased significantly

8. The athlete, __________, broke the world record in the high jump.

a. who trained hard for months

b. trained hard for months

c. whom trained hard for months

d. which trained hard for months

Jawaban: a. who trained hard for months

9. The dish, __________, is a traditional Chinese food.

a.which is made with rice and vegetables

b.is made with rice and vegetables

c.that is made with rice and vegetables

d.made with rice and vegetables

Jawaban: c. that is made with rice and vegetables

10. The car, __________, was stolen last night.

a. which parked in front of the building

b. parked in front of the building

c. that parked in front of the building

d. parked in front of the building

Jawaban: b. parked in front of the building

11. The singer, __________, won the Grammy Award for Best New Artist.

a. who was born in Texas

b. was born in Texas

c. whom was born in Texas

d. which was born in Texas

Jawaban: a. who was born in Texas

12. The museum, __________, is home to many valuable artifacts.

a. which I visited last week

b. I visited last week

c. where I visited last week

d. that I visited last week

Jawaban: a. which I visited last week

13. The restaurant, __________, serves delicious Italian food.

a. that my friend recommended

b. my friend recommended

c. which my friend recommended

d. recommended by my friend

Jawaban: c. which my friend recommended

Baca Juga :

14. The team, __________, won the championship last year.

a. who played hard and worked well together

b. played hard and worked well together

c. whom played hard and worked well together

d. which played hard and worked well together

Jawaban: a. who played hard and worked well together

15. The hotel, __________, is located in the heart of the city.

a. that we stayed at last time

b. we stayed at last time

c. where we stayed at last time

d. which we stayed at last time

Jawaban: d. which we stayed at last time

16. The newspaper, __________, has been in circulation for over a hundred years.

a. which was founded in 1890

b. was founded in 1890

c. that was founded in 1890

d. founded in 1890

Jawaban: c. that was founded in 1890

17. The company, __________, is known for its innovative products.

a. that was founded by Steve Jobs

b. was founded by Steve Jobs

c. which was founded by Steve Jobs

d. founded by Steve Jobs

Jawaban: c. which was founded by Steve Jobs

18. The city, __________, is famous for its beautiful beaches.

a.where I spent my vacation last year

b.I spent my vacation last year

c.that I spent my vacation last year

d.which I spent my vacation last year

Jawaban: a. where I spent my vacation last year

19. The dog, __________, belongs to my neighbor.

a. who barks loudly at night

b. barks loudly at night

c. whom barks loudly at night

d. which barks loudly at night

Jawaban: b. barks loudly at night

20. The dress, __________, is on sale for half price.

a. which I saw in the store window

b. I saw in the store window

c. that I saw in the store window

d. saw in the store window

Jawaban: a. which I saw in the store window

21. The concert, __________, was held in a beautiful outdoor venue.

a. where I saw my favorite band

b. I saw my favorite band

c. that I saw my favorite band

d. which I saw my favorite band

Jawaban: a. where I saw my favorite band

22. The river, __________, flows into the sea.

a. that runs through the city

b. runs through the city

c. which runs through the city

d. ran through the city

Jawaban: c. which runs through the city

23. The tree, __________, is over a hundred years old.

a. that stands in my backyard

b. stands in my backyard

c. which stands in my backyard

d. stood in my backyard

Jawaban: b. stands in my backyard

24. The museum, __________, is closed on Mondays.

a. that I visited last month

b. I visited last month

c. where I visited last month

d. which I visited last month

Jawaban: d. which I visited last month

25. The cake, __________, was made by my grandmother.

a. that tasted delicious

b. tasted delicious

c. which tasted delicious

d. tasted deliciously

Jawaban: c

26. The car, __________, is parked in front of the house.

a. that I bought last week

b. I bought last week

c. which I bought last week

d. bought last week

Jawaban: c. which I bought last week

27. The book, __________, is on the bestseller list.

a. that I just finished reading

b. I just finished reading

c. which I just finished reading

d. just finished reading

Jawaban: c. which I just finished reading

28. The restaurant, __________, is famous for its spicy food.

a. where I had dinner last night

b. I had dinner last night

c. that I had dinner last night

d. which I had dinner last night

Jawaban: a. where I had dinner last night

29. The movie, __________, won several awards.

a. that I saw last weekend

b. I saw last weekend

c. which I saw last weekend

d. saw last weekend

Jawaban: c. which I saw last weekend

30. The jacket, __________, is too small for me.

a. that I tried on in the store

b. I tried on in the store

c. which I tried on in the store

d. tried on in the store

Jawaban: b. I tried on in the store

31. The flower, __________, has a beautiful fragrance.

a. that I picked from the garden

b. I picked from the garden

c. which I picked from the garden

d. picked from the garden

Jawaban: c. which I picked from the garden

32. The laptop, __________, is on sale at the electronics store.

a. that I need for school

b. I need for school

c. which I need for school

d. needed for school

Jawaban: c. which I need for school

33. The city, __________, is the capital of the state.

a. where I was born

b. I was born

c. that I was born

d. which I was born

Jawaban: d. which I was born

34. The pizza, __________, was delivered to my house.

a. that I ordered for dinner

b. I ordered for dinner

c. which I ordered for dinner

d. ordered for dinner

Jawaban: c. which I ordered for dinner

35. The painting, __________, was created by a famous artist.

a. that hangs in the museum

b. hangs in the museum

c. which hangs in the museum

d. hung in the museum

Jawaban: c. which hangs in the museum

36. The phone, __________, is ringing.

a. that is on the table

b. is on the table

c. which is on the table

d. was on the table

Jawaban: b. is on the table

37. The game, __________, is very popular among children.

a. that my nephew likes to play

b. my nephew likes to play

c. which my nephew likes to play

d. liked to play by my nephew

Jawaban: c. which my nephew likes to play

38. The shirt, __________, is made of silk.

a.that I bought for a special occasion

b.I bought for a special occasion

c.which I bought for a special occasion

d.bought for a special occasion

Jawaban: c. which I bought for a special occasion

39. The mountain, __________, is the highest peak in the range.

a. that I climbed last summer

b. I climbed last summer

c. which I climbed last summer

d. climbed last summer

Jawaban: c. which I climbed last summer

40. The beach, __________, is a popular tourist destination.

a. that my family visits every year

b. my family visits every year

c. which my family visits every year

d. visited by my family every year

Jawaban: c. which my family visits every year

41. The music, __________, is very soothing.

a. that I like to listen to before bed

b. I like to listen to before bed

c. which I like to listen to before bed

d. liked to listen to before bed

Jawaban: c. which I like to listen to before bed

42. The river, __________, is polluted.

a. that runs through the city

b. runs through the city

c. which runs through the city

d. ran through the city

Jawaban: c. which runs through the city

43. The novel, __________, is set during World War II.

a. that I read for my history class

b. I read for my history class

c. which I read for my history class

d. read for my history class

Jawaban: c. which I read for my history class

44. The dress, __________, is too formal for the party.

a. that I bought for the event

b. I bought for the event

c. which I bought for the event

d. bought for the event

Jawaban: b. I bought for the event

45. The dog, __________, is very friendly.

a. that belongs to my neighbor

b. belongs to my neighbor

c. which belongs to my neighbor

d. belonged to my neighbor

Jawaban: c. which belongs to my neighbor

46. The school, __________, is known for its academic excellence.

a. that I graduated from

b. I graduated from

c. which I graduated from

d. graduated from

Jawaban: c. which I graduated from

47. The play, __________, was performed at the theater downtown.

a. that I saw last week

b. I saw last week

c. which I saw last week

d. saw last week

Jawaban: c. which I saw last week

48, The statue, __________, is made of bronze.

a. that stands in the park

b. stands in the park

c. which stands in the park

d. stood in the park

Jawaban: c. which stands in the park

49. The phone, __________, is out of battery.

a. that I was using earlier

b. I was using earlier

c. which I was using earlier

d. was using earlier

Jawaban: c. which I was using earlier

50. The book, __________, is about the history of China.

a. that I borrowed from the library

b. I borrowed from the library

c. which I borrowed from the library

d. borrowed from the library

Jawaban: c. which I borrowed from the library

51. The car, __________, was in a terrible accident.

a. that I used to own

b. I used to own

c. which I used to own

d. used to own

Jawaban: c. which I used to own

52. The restaurant, __________, has the best sushi in town.

a.that I went to for my birthday

b.I went to for my birthday

c.which I went to for my birthday

d.went to for my birthday

Jawaban: c. which I went to for my birthday

53. The tree, __________, provides a lot of shade.

a. that is in my backyard

b. is in my backyard

c. which is in my backyard

d. was in my backyard

Jawaban: c. which is in my backyard

54. The movie, __________, won several awards.

a. that I saw last night

b. I saw last night

c. which I saw last night

d. saw last night

Jawaban: c. which I saw last night

55. The company, __________, is based in New York City.

a. that I work for

b. I work for

c. which I work for

d. work for

Jawaban: b. I work for

56. The museum, __________, has a great collection of modern art.

a. that I visited last week

b. I visited last week

c. which I visited last week

d. visited last week

Jawaban: c. which I visited last week

57. The cake, __________, was delicious.

a.that I made for my friend's birthday

b.I made for my friend's birthday

c.which I made for my friend's birthday

d.made for my friend's birthday

Jawaban: c. which I made for my friend's birthday

58. The city, __________, has a population of over 10 million people.

a. that I visited last year

b. I visited last year

c. which I visited last year

d. visited last year

Jawaban: c. which I visited last year

59. The park, __________, has a playground and a basketball court.

a.that I like to go to on weekends

b.I like to go to on weekends

c.which I like to go to on weekends

d.liked to go to on weekends

Jawaban: c. which I like to go to on weekends

60. The laptop, __________, is very expensive.

a. that I bought for work

b. I bought for work

c. which I bought for work

d. bought for work

Jawaban: c. which I bought for work

61. The song, __________, is one of my favorites.

a. that I listened to this morning

b. I listened to this morning

c. which I listened to this morning

d. listened to this morning

Jawaban: c. which I listened to this morning

62. The dress, __________, was on sale.

a. that I bought at the mall

b. I bought at the mall

c. which I bought at the mall

d. bought at the mall

Jawaban: c. which I bought at the mall

63. The book, __________, is a classic novel.

a. that I read in high school

b. I read in high school

c. which I read in high school

d. read in high school

Jawaban: c. which I read in high school

64. The city, __________, has a lot of historical landmarks.

a. that I studied in college

b. I studied in college

c. which I studied in college

d. studied in college

Jawaban: c. which I studied in college

65. The coffee, __________, is very strong.

a. that I drank this morning

b. I drank this morning

c. which I drank this morning

d. drank this morning

Jawaban: c. which I drank this morning

66. The concert, __________, was amazing.

a. that I went to last night

b. I went to last night

c. which I went to last night

d. went to last night

Jawaban: c. which I went to last night

67. The building, __________, is the tallest in the city.

a. that I work in

b. I work in

c. which I work in

d. work in

Jawaban: b. I work in

68. The restaurant, __________, serves the best pizza in town.

a.that my family likes to go to

b.my family likes to go to

c.which my family likes to go to

d.liked to go to by my family

Jawaban: c. which my family likes to go to

69. The car, __________, is very reliable.

a. that I just bought

b. I just bought

c. which I just bought

d. just bought

Jawaban: c. which I just bought

70. The teacher, __________, gave us a lot of homework.

a. that I have for math

b. I have for math

c. which I have for math

d. have for math

Jawaban: b. I have for math

71. The movie, __________, won several awards.

a. that I saw last week

b. I saw last week

c. which I saw last week

d. saw last week

Jawaban: c. which I saw last week

72. The park, __________, is a great place for a picnic.

a. that I visited last summer

b. I visited last summer

c. which I visited last summer

d. visited last summer

Jawaban: c. which I visited last summer

73. The company, __________, is known for its innovative products.

a. that I work for

b. I work for

c. which I work for

d. work for

Jawaban: b. I work for

74. The store, __________, is always crowded on weekends.

a. that I like to shop at

b. I like to shop at

c. which I like to shop at

d. liked to shop at

Jawaban: c. which I like to shop at

75. The beach, __________, is my favorite vacation spot.

a. that I visited last year

b. I visited last year

c. which I visited last year

d. visited last year

Jawaban: c. which I visited last year

76. The dog, __________, is very friendly.

a. that lives next door

b. lives next door

c. which lives next door

d. lived next door

Jawaban: c. which lives next door

77. The cake, __________, was delicious.

a. that my mom baked

b. my mom baked

c. which my mom baked

d. baked by my mom

Jawaban: c. which my mom baked

78. The museum, __________, has a large collection of art.

a. that I visited last week

b. I visited last week

c. which I visited last week

d. visited last week

Jawaban: c. which I visited last week

79. The song, __________, always puts me in a good mood.

a. that I heard on the radio

b. I heard on the radio

c. which I heard on the radio

d. heard on the radio

Jawaban: c. which I heard on the radio

80. The restaurant, __________, has amazing sushi.

a. that we went to last night

b. we went to last night

c. which we went to last night

d. went to last night

Jawaban: a. that we went to last night

81. The book, __________, is a classic.

a. that I am reading

b. I am reading

c. which I am reading

d. am reading

Jawaban: c. which I am reading

82. The house, __________, has a beautiful garden.

a. that I visited on the weekend

b. I visited on the weekend

c. which I visited on the weekend

d. visited on the weekend

Jawaban: c. which I visited on the weekend

83. The car, __________, is very reliable.

a. that I drive

b. I drive

c. which I drive

d. drove

Jawaban: a. that I drive

84. The band, __________, is playing at the concert tonight.

a. that I like

b. I like

c. which I like

d. liked

Jawaban: c. which I like

85. The city, __________, is known for its historic landmarks.

a. that I visited last summer

b. I visited last summer

c. which I visited last summer

d. visited last summer

Jawaban: b. I visited last summer

86. The computer, __________, is very fast.

a. that I bought last month

b. I bought last month

c. which I bought last month

d. bought last month

Jawaban: c. which I bought last month

87. The mountain, __________, is the tallest in the range.

a. that we climbed last year

b. we climbed last year

c. which we climbed last year

d. climbed last year

Jawaban: c. which we climbed last year

88. The coffee shop, __________, is where I go to study.

a. that I like

b. I like

c. which I like

d. liked

Jawaban: c. which I like

89. The movie theater, __________, is where I saw the latest blockbuster.

a. that I went to last night

b. I went to last night

c. which I went to last night

d. went to last night

Jawaban: c. which I went to last night

90. The park, __________, is a great place to have a picnic.

a. that we visited last weekend

b. we visited last weekend

c. which we visited last weekend

d. visited last weekend

Jawaban: c. which we visited last weekend

91. The company, __________, is hiring new employees.

a. that I applied to

b. I applied to

c. which I applied to

d. applied to

Jawaban: a. that I applied to

92. The shirt, __________, is my favorite.

a. that I am wearing

b. I am wearing

c. which I am wearing

d. wearing

Jawaban: c. which I am wearing

93. The university, __________, is known for its research in science and technology.

a. that I attend

b. I attend

c. which I attend

d. attended

Jawaban: c. which I attend

94. The beach, __________, is where I like to relax on weekends.

a. that I live near

b. I live near

c. which I live near

d. lived near

Jawaban: b. I live near

95. The hotel, __________, has a beautiful view of the city.

a. that I stayed at last month

b. I stayed at last month

c. which I stayed at last month

d. stayed at last month

Jawaban: c. which I stayed at last month

96. The restaurant, __________, serves delicious Italian food.

a. that my family and I enjoy

b. my family and I enjoy

c. which my family and I enjoy

d. enjoyed

Jawaban: c. which my family and I enjoy

97. The museum, __________, is exhibiting a new collection of paintings.

a. that I visited last week

b. I visited last week

c. which I visited last week

d. visited last week

Jawaban: c. which I visited last week

98. The country, __________, is where I would like to travel to next.

a. that I dream about

b. I dream about

c. which I dream about

d. dreamed about

Jawaban: c. which I dream about

99. The sport, __________, is my favorite to watch.

a. that I am interested in

b. I am interested in

c. which I am interested in

d. interested in

Jawaban: c. which I am interested in

100. The new employee, __________, had already made a significant contribution to the company.

a. who was hired last week

b. which the manager hired last week

c. where the manager hired him last week

d. whom the manager hired last week

Jawaban: d. whom the manager hired last week


Demikianlah 100+ Contoh Soal TOEFL Structure dan Jawabannya. Semoga contoh soal ini dapat membantu peserta dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes TOEFL. Penting untuk diingat bahwa memahami struktur bahasa Inggris adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam menjawab soal TOEFL Structure. 

Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya peserta memperhatikan baik-baik setiap soal dan membaca instruksi dengan teliti. Selain itu, peserta juga disarankan untuk banyak berlatih dengan soal-soal serupa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memahami struktur bahasa Inggris. Semoga berhasil dalam tes TOEFL!

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